Healing Solutions For You™ - Alternative and Integrative Healing Practices

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Flower Essence Therapy the same as Aromatherapy?
Is Flower Essence Therapy the same as Homeopathy? (Blog Article)
Is taking an essence the same as taking the herb?
Can you help me improve my physical health?
What is Energy?
What is our Innate Healing Potential?
Do essences suppress symptoms?
Will essences change who I am or change my personality?
How do essences work?
Are there any side effects?
What is a healing crisis?
Are flower essences safe for children and pets?
How soon will I see results?
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Is Flower Essence Therapy the same as Aromatherapy?

No, they are quite different. They are both made from flowers but this is where the similarity ends. Aromatherapy is a natural therapy that uses the concentrated oils from plants and flowers. Aromatherapy oils (a.k.a. essential oils) are created through a special pressing and distillation process. This isolates the scented oils in the plants. By smelling the oils and/or absorbing them into our skin, they affect the chemical process in our brain and body. Therefore, aromatherapy oils are physical substances which affect the body first on the physical level.

Flower essences are energy medicine. (What is Energy?) Essences have no scent because little to no physical constituents are left within them. The physical constituents have been diluted over and over resulting in the energy from the plants becoming more and more concentrated until the only active ingredient left is the energy. The energy in the essences affects our emotional, mental and spiritual selves. They can affect our physical state by balancing the mind/spirit connection that affects our body. Back to top.

Is taking an essence the same as taking the herb?

No, taking a flower in herb form and taking the same flower in essence form is not the same thing. Although an herbal supplement does contain the energy from the plant, the energy is much more concentrated in an essence. In fact, essences have hardly any physical constituents from the original plant. They are concentrated energy, the “essence” or “spirit” of the plant. (What is Energy? | Back to top)

Can you help me improve my physical health?

Yes. I would speak with you to determine whether it would be more appropriate to use flower essences or energy work (if a problem is mental/emotionally based), to use Isagenix  products (if it is nutritionally/toxicity based), to receive massage (for structural issues) or a combination thereof. Back to top

What is our Innate Healing Potential?

Our innate healing potential is the body/spirit’s inner wisdom and ability to heal. Substances that we intake, thoughts that we have, can and do stimulate it, however, it is the body and spirit that do the healing. Imagine that you have a cut. You apply an ointment and then a bandage. Your cut heals. Was it the ointment or bandage that healed it? No, one reduced bacteria and the other kept the wound protected. It was your body and spirit’s innate healing potential that did the healing. They know what to do and how to bring about balance within you. Back to top.

How do essences work?

Essences are energy medicine. (What is Energy?) They work with your body‘s innate healing potential. They provide the particular energy that your body needs in that situation. Your body knows how to use this energy to bring about healing. They primarily work on emotional, mental and spiritual levels but can also affect physical states. Back to top.

Do essences suppress symptoms?

NO! There is a big difference between suppression and true healing. Pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter drugs suppress symptoms. Flower essences and other holistic therapies bring about healing. Let’s discuss suppression. If you pull a muscle, a doctor will prescribe an anti-inflammatory, a muscle relaxant and a pain pill. These do not heal your muscle. They will just keep it looser and suppress the pain. They prevent the body’s natural reaction - inflammation and pain - which would normally cause you to be more careful with that muscle until it heals. Supplements and flower essences work with your body by providing the building blocks it needs in the healing process. Back to top.

Will essences change who I am or change my personality?

No, they cannot change you. They support you in shifting emotional, mental and spiritual, even physical states, which no longer serve you. How can you tell the difference between a personality trait and an imbalance on one of these levels? I’ve heard people say, “I’m just an angry person.” There is no such thing. That would indicate an imbalanced state. One can be more quick to anger -this is a personality trait- but it is not natural to be “an angry person.” Back to top.

Are there any side effects?

There are no known side effects. If you use an essence that is not appropriate for you, then it simply won’t work. No harm done. That being said, essences stimulate our body’s natural healing process. Some emotional, mental and/or physical shifting will occur. It is a normal process. Most people experience little or no discomfort. Occasionally, though a healing crisis can occur. Back to top.

What is a healing crisis?

The body’s natural method of healing is to push out toxins, so when a remedy is taken this process is heightened. Also, essences stimulate our mind to process through mental constructs which are not supportive. Sometimes a client may feel ill or uncomfortable. A flower essence client may feel more emotional than usual and wonder what’s going on. It can feel as if they are having a reaction but really it’s just part of the healing process. It usually lasts no more than a few days after which they feel very refreshed and renewed. Usually, this process is subtle and relatively easy to tolerate. Back to top.

Are flower essences safe for children and pets?

Yes, they are safe. The active ingredient is energy. If it is not an essence that they need it will do nothing and if it is something they need, it will be helpful. The essences are usually preserved with brandy and water. There is not enough alcohol in it to become drunk, only enough to preserve it. There is less alcohol in a remedy than is naturally found in a banana! Essences can be administered to kids and pets in alternate ways besides orally. If the alcohol is still a concern, remedies can be prepared with vegetable glycerin or apple cider vinegar as a preservative. Flower essences can be very effective for children and animals because they do not have as many mental barriers built up against healing. Back to top.

How soon will I see results?

This question has no clear answer because each individual is so unique. We heal at our own pace and may even heal from different things at different paces. Our belief patterns and thoughts greatly affect this process as well. If a remedy is for an acute situation such as just for one stressful presentation or panic attack, it can work very quickly. For more complex, deep-seated things such as chronic depression or working through very deep emotional wounds, it usually takes at least a month for dramatic shifts to occur. This is not to say that you cannot experience relief faster. For something chronic or deep-seated problems it may take a week or so to begin to feel relief although some sensitive clients have reported immediate relief. However, it will take time to create dramatic changes because it took time to cause the problem. Remember, this is not masking symptoms like a headache pill which works in fifteen minutes. This is helping to create a shift within you, true healing, which can take time. Back to top.

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